Hair Transformations

Twisted Scizzors Salon wants to let all of our clients know that hair transformations such as the one below takes time. To go from a dark, rich brunette to a vibrant, bright blonde take a good amount of commitment, time and money.

Our stylists always want to help you achieve your hair goals, but more importantly our stylists care about the health of your hair. Your healthy hair cannot be maintained by doing drastic hair changes in one appointment.

It took Khloe Kardashian around 3 or 4 months to achieve this look.

For all hair transformations, be sure to schedule a FREE consultation with your stylist. Our stylists can advise you on what would be best for your hair and how many appointments it would take to achieve your hair goals. 
Below are some picture of transformation often found on social media. While these colors do look amazing & vibrant, they aren't real in most cases.

Some rich, vibrant colors can be achieved in only one appointment, but some transformations may take longer in order to maintain the health of your hair. After colors are added to your hair, maintenance is CRUCIAL.

In order to properly achieve your hair goals, make sure you schedule a FREE consultation with your stylist who can give you a plan for how long it can take to get the hair color you desire.